ABSTRACT Painting Art Classes - Brisbane

Class Times:
Saturdays | 10am - 12pm
Discover the art of abstract expressionism with the use of sumptuous textures, colour and light. Learn the fundamentals of good abstract composition and how to convey emotion and mood with brushstrokes, mark making and colour palette choice.
Contrary to popular myth, abstract art is not just throwing paint at the canvas, a la Jackson Pollock or a rampaging 2-year-old. Good abstract art has a level of sophistication and emotion that draws on both traditional composition theory and contemporary design influences.
You will learn about colour theory to create artworks that convey visual vibrations to serene ambience and even strong, moody masculine pieces.
Explore thick, sumptuous textures and spontaneous mark making.
As well as a large canvas, you will need a variety of acrylic paints and texture mediums. Find our recommended materials and tools list here.
If you would like to explore art making before buying your own materials then try our One Day Art Play and Creative Quickie Workshops.
Once you have purchased your class pack contact us directly on 0450 422 545 with your preferred start date and time.